Chocolate Solutions & Resources

Chocolate and chocolate products have long proven to be difficult to test for quality due to naturally occurring PCR inhibitors for pathogen detection and dark colorants that can interfere with accurate enumeration. However, advances in technology have made it possible for manufacturers to test for contaminants much more quickly. bioMérieux offers GENE-UP®, a real-time PCR method, and TEMPO®, an automated enumeration solution, to detect contaminants reliably and rapidly.

TEMPO is an automated system for the enumeration of quality indicator (QI) organisms in food. Chocolate and other confectionary products have historically been challenging for plating methods and other quality indicator systems. This can be problematic for chocolate manufacturers’ production and quality control.

Learn More About TEMPO →


Rapid pathogen detection in chocolate products presents unique challenges. The chocolate industry is continually seeking faster times to results, further challenging the limits of available methodologies. GENE-UP offers rapid and robust detection methods to decrease the risk of inaccurate results and improve manufacturing efficiency. 

Learn More About GENE-UP →


GENE-UP Salmonella spp Study Chocolate Detection & Enumeration Case Study TEMPO Quality Indicator Testing Study


PRN 055544 Rev 01.A

Pioneering Diagnostics