bioMérieux - 2015 Financial Results

02 March, 2016

March 2, 2016 – The Board of Directors of bioMérieux, a world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, met yesterday under the chairmanship of Jean-Luc Belingard and approved the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015.

Strong sales dynamic in 2015, driving 7.1% organic growth for the year

  • €1,965 million in sales
  • Up 15.7% as reported

Robust contributive operating income before non-recurring items: €260 million

  • In line with target
  • Up 14.6% year-on-year

BioFire ahead of the business plan

  • Sustained successful sales performance by FilmArray® and the syndromic approach to the molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases
  • FilmArray® Torch cleared by the US FDA in February 2016

2016 objectives

  • Organic growth in sales of between 6.0% and 8.0%
  • Contributive operating income before non-recurring items of between €265 million and €290 million

Jean-Luc Belingard, Chairman, said: "The high-quality performance and ambitious guidance that bioMérieux is announcing today reflect the drive to strengthen our strategic position undertaken in recent years with the support of our long-term family shareholder. We enjoy undeniable competitive advantages, including global market leadership in clinical and industrial microbiology, specialized niche positions in immunoassays, an evenly balanced global geographic footprint, unrivaled expertise in certain areas and a healthy balance sheet. What's more, we now own FilmArray®, a new, forward-facing technology that is gradually becoming the global benchmark in the syndromic molecular testing of infectious diseases. Impelled by Alexandre Mérieux’s leadership we will pursue our operational action plans in order to further improve our performance for the benefit of our customers and their patients."

Alexandre Mérieux, Chief Executive Officer, said: "bioMérieux delivered a robust operating performance in 2015. In 2016, the Company expects to maintain a strong sales dynamic while continuing to invest for the long term, particularly in the areas of quality, manufacturing and expanding the innovation pipeline. In a demanding environment and volatile economy, bioMérieux is targeting contributive operating income before non-recurring items of between €265 million and €290 million for the year."

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Pioneering Diagnostics